November 21, 2013

Celebrity Babies with Place Names, My Friend the Author, and the 1950s

If you've been following this blog and G+ account, you are probably aware that I meant to have a couple of posts up last week. As soon as I announce something like that, it often becomes impossible to follow through. So this is me learning my lesson.

My latest post on Name Candy is about celebrities who chose "place names" for their babies. It turned into a bigger post than I'd planned, in a good way. But it also posed a few dilemmas for me. Since places are often named after people, sometimes it's hard to tell whether a baby is named for that place or if it's just a coincidence. Victoria, for example, is a classic girl's name that is also a state in Australia and the capitol of British Columbia, Canada. So I had to draw a line for this post and go with my gut for what names to include—Victoria didn't make the list, but Charlotte (a feminine form of Charles) did. So did Phoenix, which is a word name but happens to be a place name as well. In the end, I think I put together a list of names that do "feel" like place names, even though they may take on other traits as well. Some of the most interesting names on the list? Bronx, Everest, and Milan come to mind.

I'm also really excited that I was able to update one of my most popular name stories. Heather's first two daughters, Una and Evelyn, sparked a lot of interest, and since she has since had another girl, I thought you'd be eager to see what her name is (go check it out!). And it just so happens that this friend of mine is an author. I don't think she wanted to make a big deal out of it on that post, but I'm dying to mention her book. She's written an intelligent, emotional, and gripping memoir called Dear Boy that deals with her mother's mental illness and the loss of her brother. If you or someone you know loves beautifully written non-fiction, please check it out. It just may be the perfect early Christmas present for your bookshelf or your Kindle.

Next up on Nameisms is a creative look at a post I wrote a couple of years ago—retro names from the 1950s. It's going to be beyond nifty.

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